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The Who . Edinburgh Castle 2023 Baba O' Riley. Katy Jacoby Violin solo.
The Who at Brighton 2023. Baba O'Riley ft Katie Jacoby on Violin. Incredible performance.
Katie Jacoby solo Baba O'Riley
Baba O'Riley - The Who ft. Violinist Katie Jacoby 10-11-19
The Who - Baba O’Riley - Edinburgh Castle 9/7/2023
Baba O'Riley - The Who Live in Phoenix 2022 2- camera, Daltrey, Townshend w/ Katie Jacoby on violin
The Who with Orchestra - Baba O' Reilly @ Edinburgh Castle July 2023
The Who - Baba O’ Riley (Live @ Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, UK, 08-07-2023)
Katie Jacoby solo Baba O'Riley
Roger Daltrey The Who asking Katie Jacoby to leave the stage. She wants all applauses just for her
The Who Baba O'Riley Edinburgh Castle 9 July 2023
The who live at Edinburgh Castle. Even the Scottish Scrapper has time off.